2024 Amazon Music Product Design Challenge (APP Design)
Amazon Music & Pratt Institute
1 month (2024)
Design Lead
UX Design
UX Research
User Interview
2 Designers
“The research and experience are an in-depth exploration of all facets of the experience, including the ‘processing arrow’ and allowing access to screen time, etc. The visual language is simple, but strong — especially the use of color. The story is clearly told and the research cleanly presented.”
We quickly realized that...
Nearly 80% of them listen to music while working or studying, which indicates that people need music as companion when focusing on their tasks.
Our research provided us with 3 key insights:
1. Struggles with Sustained Focus
2. Diverse Music is Satisfying
3. Desire for Connection
We did not proceed with this idea. Our concern was that it could be distracting rather than enhancing focus. Creating such playlists might consume too much time, conflicting with our goal of promoting deep focus.
Key Finding:
While many incorporate music, we observed a lack of diverse options. Most offer only white noise and ambient sounds, which contrasts with our user research indicating a desire for diverse music choices.